Schools and Junior Colleges in Thane
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Studying differs from one person to the next so what works for one may not for another. The ways that you can make the most of your studying time depends on what works best for you.


1. Develop a schedule that will allow you adequate time to study.

Having a schedule makes you see that you have certain things to do and will give you an allocated time that you should be focusing only on your studying.

2 To make the most of time when studying, select the times of day your brain is at its peak performance.

This can vary from individual to individual. Study when your brain functions best to help maximize its performance and reduce redundancy.

3 Study in a comfortable place where you can concentrate without distraction.

Distractions slow down performance because they defocus the mind.

4 Focusing the mind can be difficult especially if you are worrying about something, are tired, and don't know how to study well.

Perhaps one of the greatest skills in studying is being able to do this well as it improves test scores and saves time.

5 Develop a study strategy you know your mind will work well with.

Everyone's brain is wired differently, and we all learn in different ways. Some of us are visual learners others are auditory or kinesthetic learners. Find out what you are and increase the method which you brain learns from best to save more time. For example, if you are an auditory learner listening to lectures on tape and going to class may be more important than reading the text. If one is more visual the textbook and notes become the most important aid in studying.

6 Practice different techniques.

Stay on the look out for new ways to study and create some for yourself. After time studying will become easier and more of a routine than a challenge.

7 Take notes in class on the important things that you are going over so that you have the necessary clues to what you really need to focus on for an exam.

Try to study up on the material before class so that you can refresh your memory in case the teacher calls upon you.

8 Studying itself is a fine art, there may be workshops or even courses on how to improve studying techniques and save time.

One of the cornerstones of education and life is being able to and knowing how to study. There are many things in life that need studying whether it be a homework problem, a hole in the wall, building a model, putting a puzzle together or solving a relationship obstacle. The better one know how to study the more time one will save and the greater one will achieve when it comes around to testing time.

9 Take frequent breaks.

Of course, there are instances where you will need to study or work on homework for much longer than a few hours. In these cases, make sure that you are taking frequent breaks. Every 30 minutes to an hour, get up and stretch your legs to avoid stiffness and muscle cramps. Moving around a bit will get your metabolism going and leave you feeling more energized. A small snack that is high in protein and low in sugar is also a good way to boost your energy. Also try to not spend all your time eating

Also read: 8 foods to increase your brainpower

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