Deemed Conveyance Request Up 3-Fold In Dist
07 December, 2018
THANE: The number of residential societies from Thane district applying for deemed conveyance (DC) has seen a notable jump this year with statistics showing three-fold rise since 2016. Statistics available with the deputy district registrar (DDR) of cooperative department at Thane reveal that while the number of applications for seeking DC was 154 between January and December 2016, the numbers went up to 449 till mid-November this year with a few more likely to come forward by the year-end.

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Around 138 applications had come for processing in the previous year.
Officials from the cooperative department said relaxation of a few norms coupled with lucrative prospects for redevelopment before housing societies is apparently drawing residents staying in such properties to come forward and apply for deemed conveyance.
“Several buildings constructed in the late 70-80s decade have now become old and decrepit and residents want to go for
redevelopment. However, they are faced with the issue of land title ownership which is required to keep the interests of the
tenants intact and this is pushing more societies to come forward and seek conveyance. Also, the state has relaxed the need of
submitting an occupancy certificate (OC) along with other documents while seeking the DC, which is a huge relief. Ideally, the
developers transfer title of the land in the name of the society after selling off flats but in some cases, the builders failed to do so or waited for exploiting the land potential at a later stage leading to a delay. In such cases, where the developer is
unavailable, the society approaches us to get the title transfer and once they fulfil all norms, the land conveyance is considered as deemed,” explained an official from the DDR office at Thane justifying the reason for the increase.
Experts said several builders had not conveyed the title of the properties to the societies with the hope of exploiting potential
of availing more floor space index in the future when the property was due for redevelopment. The state had come out with the
special law, including amendment to the Maharashtra Flat Owners Act (MOFA), 1963 to enable societies to get deemed
conveyance easily.
Meanwhile, activists have alleged the present mandatory online registration process was slowing down the course. “We are
being informed of problems faced by society members while registering their details and re-accessing their status online. The
state should have also kept the manual process active,” said advocate Satnam Singh Rasgotra.
Meanwhile, officials dismissed the claims adding that the online process was started to weed out any discrepancies in the
system and improve transparency.
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