While being a parent comes with its own set of responsibilities, having to say ‘no’ to your child is probably one of the toughest parts of the job. But sometimes you need to fight off all temptation to cave into their little demands for candy before dinner or some extra video game time, and be firm while laying down the law especially in matters concerning their general health and wellbeing. Here are a few situations where saying ‘no’ can boost their immunity:
Going to bed and waking up on time : You need to be strict about bedtime—be it on holidays or school nights. If your little one is feeling energetic and lively at midnight, you need to convey that playtime is over and ensure that he or she goes to bed and wakes up on time. After all, an adequate amount of sleep is necessary to rejuvenate the body and keep it strong enough to fight off infections.
Skipping meals : Consuming food at regular intervals is good for digestion and helps keep the body strong. If your child refuses to eat certain meals, coax them gently. Breakfast is especially important. Skipping the most important meal of the day deprives the body of adequate nutrition. A healthy breakfast is necessary for effective cognitive functioning and will you’re your child’s energy levels high.
Overall hygiene : You need to stress on the importance of maintaining hygiene and cleanliness, especially before meals. Inculcate the habit of washing hands after using the toilet. Also, you needn’t feel guilty about saying no when your child sits at the table after playtime without washing his or her hands. Maintaining overall hygiene standards reduces the stress on your child’s immune system.
Less video games, more exercise : Allot time for your child to use the iPad or play video games. But also encourage them to go out and play some old fashioned football or take part in any other physical activity they enjoy. Exercise plays a huge role in boosting the body’s immunity; it increases the white blood cell’s ability to fight off infection.
No loading up on sugar : Ensure you control your child’s sugar intake. A diet high in sugar is known to weaken the body’s ability to fight germs.
Avoid junk food : Talk to your kids about how eating roadside food can make them sick. Sure, a pizza or burger once in a while is alright, but if it becomes a regular demand, you have to say no. Promote healthy eating! Your child’s diet should include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, lean proteins and unprocessed whole grains.
No gadgets at mealtimes : Too much time in front of the television or on the computer will make your child lethargic. In turn, this will have an adverse effect on his or her health. So take the time to educate them about the harm too much TV can cause to their eyes. Introduce rules such as no gadgets at mealtimes or no unsupervised browsing.
Source: femina.in
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